Monday, 7 December 2009

When things seem a little muddled

My littlest one chose to use all the zoo animals in his farm set last week.  It's good to put your own spin on things, especially when you're three.

Don't you think?

At the moment I kind of feel I  have things in the wrong place, or haven't done things in the right order or at the right time.  I'm putting it down to time of year.  There is a lot to do and I'm not good at making a proper plan, I talk a good talk, and will get there in the end, but will manage it in my long winded and unorganised way.

You could say I permanently have my zoo animals in the farm buildings. 

So in order to get things moving in the right direction this week I will:-
  • buy my Christmas cards 
  • try and get my haircut before our work party on Friday
  • post the parcel I have been meaning to (for weeks) to my dear friend in Hamburg 
  • actually write a christmas shopping list rather than carry it round in my head.  
  • write a very important letter about to the local education authority about my eldest son's statement of special needs that I keep putting off and off (sometimes it easier not face these things).  In fact this is so important I'm going to do finish this post and do this right now!
Any tips for feeling more organised please do share!


  1. I have put off all everyday work (including my LEA dealings) until we get through Christmas. Very impressive list!

  2. It is only because my deadline to respond to proposed changes to statement is 10th December - why I left it to now I can't think!



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