I wanted to show you this picture of the decorations at our Christmas do. Excuse the focus, angle etc etc - this was at the end of the night so as you can imagine capturing a good shot was not forefront in my mind.
This is just a tiny corner of the decorations in the reception area - lots of trees sprayed white with painted birdcages and white birds...interestingly none of the birds in the cages. I am sure there is an important metaphor there but it was lost on me after drinking champagne. Anyway it was just lovely and I spent too much time in the taxi home thinking 'I must get some white spray paint'.
The best part of the meal had to be the pudding buffet. There were probably 20 or so things to choose from. Below is my friends selection - I had actually eaten mine at this point (anyone who knows me that where pudding is involved, there simply isn't time for taking photos beforehand!)
All in all a lovely evening at the most stunning venue with fab work colleagues :)
Sounds like you had a great time and those puddings look delicious!