Sunday, 13 December 2009

3 Beautiful Things for Sunday

I found this blog today and felt inspired to post my own 3 beautiful things for today.......

1.  These lights on our bed (little christmas trees if it's hard to tell).  They were a bargain found by a girl at work who passed them onto me. I fell asleep with them left on last night and awoke to find my two youngest had crept in with me....they were bathed in this lovely red light.

 2.  This note by Yoyo to her brother.  'I howp yuo lik my pichir'.  He was indifferent to be honest....but I will treasure that spelling forever.

3.  These tea towels which I asked my friend to pick up from Bicester for me to give as teachers gifts.  I am in a Cath Kidston induced state of bliss.  And of course in a dilemma now whether to keep them for myself or pass them on as intended. 

Reading this back I realise that two of my things are material items.  No wonder I am trying to create my home on a shoestring......too much spending I think.   So the teatowels - should they stay or should they go?


  1. I vote teachers. Love the lights. I can't believe the children haven't asked for them in their bedroom.

  2. You may be able to infer from my post there are a few boundary issues over whose bedroom is whose - hence the children probably are happy to leave the lights in our room!

    Another problem to resolve in the New Year.....

  3. Recessionista - I may well do :)

  4. Thank you for 3BTing. I think that's a very reasonable spelling of hope. I get so much pleasure from seeing my three-year-old goddaughter's writing -- it seems so miraculous, so no wonder you're treasuring this.

  5. Hope you did keep them! They suit you! :-)
    Great blog!

  6. Madhu - fate stepped in.

    The last day of term when I was supposed to hand them out to the teachers school was snowed off. So the opportunity passed and I thought perhaps I should keep them for myself!



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