Friday, 19 February 2010

Half term desperation

I have officially run out of half term activity now resorting to using plaque disclosing tablets as entertainment.

Yoyo and my eldest think they look like blue monsters, I am appalled by how badly they are currently brushing their teeth.  Perhaps Shortcut Susie orginally instructed them.....I can't recall.

No pictures, you really wouldn't want to see them!  Although I did debate showing you this image with my bathroom.  What can I's on the 'To do' list.


  1. You made me smile with this post!

  2. Reminds me of a period when my two were younger and decided to brush their teeth every single time they went upstairs. (Don't ask why). Me and the mister had to wear dark glasses, the results were so dazzling.

  3. I love this post! The normality of the chaos, is something that is beautiful!

  4. Oh tell me about it! If I heard the words "I'm bored" once, I heard them a hundred times. A day.

    CJ xx



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