Monday, 22 February 2010

Trying hard

I am trying very hard at the moment to keep up with everything.

Hence the contents of my bag latest find that I desperately want to read but just don't find the time.  Oh the irony.

So I am still here, but just not managing to post as frequently for a little while.

Just until I've read this book..........then it will all be hunky dory. 


  1. Ans, if you stop reading 'time management''ll probably free up a few hours each month....just a thought :0)

  2. Ha ha! But seriously, the answer to me being as organised as you lies amongst those pages....I know it!

  3. lol agreed with Harry, but we do all need some inspiration. Yes?

  4. Hope the book is good. Like FT, I'm always up for a bit of inspiration! Sometimes this type of stuff is just common sense but I find it can help to make me stop and think about things from a fresh perspective. Maybe I'll be needing a copy before too long...

  5. I absolutely do need inspiration at all times!

    Haven't got too far with the book, excuses excuses!



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