Monday, 30 November 2009

Apartment Therapy Cure Week 7 and a confession

Paper snowflakes from RE(unrelated to this post but aren't they stunning?)

It's time for me to confess - I've officially abandoned the Apartment Therapy cure with only 1 week to go.  This weekend there was such a lot of other important stuff going on and I just realised I couldn't sustain all this domestic goddess stuff!

So to finish off officially I just wanted to look back and capture what I've learnt along the way:-
  • I love fresh flowers in the house - particularly in my little bathroom where they are now an almost permanent feature.  A £3 bunch of flowers can be split up between vases and make a huge difference in how a room looks.
  • Organising is not a one off process - my cured kitchen cupboards, coat cupboard etc need maintenance to stay that way (I think I overlooked this part).
  • Getting rid of clutter has a much greater effect than you anticipate it will.
  • My husband, The Queen of Clean is extremely useful.
  • Any home project takes longer and costs more money than you intend.
  • Life still needs to go on and you need to accept when enough is enough and you're done.
Thank you to all the comments from fellow cure project bloggers - cowgirl in wellies, This Home Sweet Home, Alana in Canada and Misadventures in Procrastination.  I have enjoyed looking in on your progress and will continue to follow you all.

1 comment:

  1. You've done so much over these weeks. Now you can stop and enjoy it all. I shall be back soon. I think the Queen of Clean inspired my husband's push through last week's tasks.



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