Wednesday, 1 June 2011

What I've learnt about myself over the last month....

I much prefer making felt coasters to writing management reports.

I prefer dreaming up plans for these fabrics than conjuring up recommendations to improve employee engagement.

I tend to overuse words a lot - in the reports case it was 'impact'.  My proof reader kindly pointed out I'd used it 5 times on one page.

I want to spend my time reading crafting books rather than 'Business Research Methods' - Bryman and Bell.  Not a gripping read I assure you.

My husband knows when to step in in a crisis, one evening I was found rocking on the kitchen floor having 'lost' 2000 words when Yoyo closed my document.  He found them for me and I owe him big time.

Altogether, although I love my job and I needed to get this done studying is not my bag.

Thanks to anyone still reading......I promise to be around a lot more from now on.  With no mention of employee engagement either.

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